+10 +1
Time to Wake Up: the Neoliberal Order is Dying
Despite its best efforts, neoliberalism is increasingly discredited in the eyes of large sections of the electorate in the US and UK. Its attempts at concealment have grown jaded, its strategy exhausted. It has reached the end-game, and that is why politics now looks so unstable. By Jonathan Cook.
+10 +1
Amnesty International calls to halt Kavanaugh nomination
Amnesty International is calling on senators to to halt the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over his “possible involvement” in human rights violations after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. By Emily Birnbaum.
+16 +1
When the Muzzle Comes Off
Even if Kavanaugh prevails, women are expanding the boundaries of what kinds of stories must be taken seriously. By Rebecca Traister.
+20 +1
“Kick Ass, Ask Questions Later”: A Border Patrol Whistleblower Speaks Out About Culture of Abuse Against Migrants
The former agent said that he could not stand by as he saw reports that the abuses he witnessed continue – including the destruction of water jugs. By John Washington.
+16 +1
Scholar who decoded “Primary Colors” unmasks author of Times op-ed
Professor who outed Joe Klein in 1996: Detailed analysis narrows the list of administration suspects — down to one. By Don Foster.
+15 +1
Medicaid rolls set to be slashed under Trump-approved work rules
The thousands of people who lost Medicaid coverage this month in Arkansas for not following newly implemented work requirements may be a sign of what’s to come in other GOP-led states. By Jessie Hellmann. (Sept. 13, 2018)
+8 +1
Is Brett Kavanaugh's Evil Twin The Real Attempted Rapist? Maaaaaybe!
Another Pulitzer for Kathleen Parker pls! By Robyn Pennacchia.
+27 +1
No, I Will Not Debate You
Civility will never defeat fascism, no matter what The Economist thinks. By Laurie Penny.
+12 +1
Cuomo’s Win: It’s All About the Money
The New York governor’s victory over Cynthia Nixon furthers the myth of the ‘inevitable’ candidate. By Matt Taibbi.
+9 +1
Inside Stephen Miller’s hostile takeover of immigration policy
The 33-year-old policy adviser has made unprecedented power grabs as he seeks to slash immigration to America. By Nahal Toosi.
+14 +1
The Manufactured McCain
Lifting Up A Bloodstained, Lying, Venal Servant of Capitalist Empire. By Bruce Dixon.
+12 +1
Becoming Serfs
The global rich have demolished institutions that once protected the working class and dismantled our democracy to orchestrate the largest transfer of wealth upward in over a century. By Chris Hedges.
+16 +1
Big Tech Corporations Are Now Banning Iranian Social Media Accounts
A censored student journalist speaks out. By Ben Norton.
+6 +1
Be Careful What You Ask For: Wasting Time with Manafort, Cohen, and Russiagate
The kinds of antics Manafort and Cohen have been prosecuted for went unnoticed when Donald Trump was a donor to the Democratic and Republican parties, and if he had stayed in his Tower doling out campaign contributions, they still would be. By Jim Kavanagh.
+12 +1
Democrats Have a Serious Branding Problem
The Jim Jefferies Show
+14 +1
Has Bezos Become More Powerful in D.C. Than Trump?
The deal for an obscure $10 billion Pentagon contract suggests the extent to which Bezos is gobbling up the Swamp—without the guy in the White House even batting an eye. By May Jeong. (Aug. 13, 2018)
+14 +1
Germany urges EU payment system without U.S. to save Iran deal
Europe needs to set up payment systems independent of the United States if it wants to save the nuclear deal between Iran and major powers that was abandoned by President Donald Trump, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said.
+2 +1
“Duhhh, Stop Defending Alex Jones! This Will Never Hurt The Left, Derp Duh!”
The fact that they started with a widely reviled speaker shouldn’t matter, the argument goes, because sooner or later the powerful people who are able to censor will begin censoring in the interests of power. By Caitlin Johnstone.
+12 +1
Trump Signs $82 Billion Spending Boost for Pentagon
"It was not very hard" to get the spending bill through Congress, Trump said. And he's definitely right about that. By Eric Boehm.
+3 +1
Terrified of the Blue Wave, Georgia Republicans Shut down 75% of Black Voting Sites
Free of that pesky Voting Rights Act, Republicans are closing down every polling site they can to stop the blue wave. It won't be enough. By Justin Rosario.
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