• aj0690

    They seem to be documenting themselves very well!

    1. It's so obvious they want their privacy.
    2. The special super bright light device, is a MIRROR. Notice they can't use it at night.
    3. They want to ask about taking down those cameras due to privacy reasons. Cameras are just as effective on the inside of the home if you fear for you life from what seems to be a very delightful looking neighborhood.
    4. They are resorting to other tactics because their pleas are being ignored, anyone in their position would be frustrated.
    5. As a warning to other folks, don't be that crazy old guy with a half dozen cameras because you think someone is out to get you, you are literally "CREATING" that scenario!

    Also, I found another video from the same poster, this is the part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLy6cjYAAOM

    In the second part you can see his frustrated neighbors trying to construct a privacy fence around their front yard as they are tired of being recorded. I cant help to think that these two clips were created to troll us and get a reaction. The real bully is the guy documenting the subject here folks, it's clear as day he gets pleasure out of it.