6 years ago
Mueller has "pieces" to charge Trump for conspiring with Russia, says ex-FBI official
Special counsel Robert Mueller has the “pieces” available to charge President Donald Trump for conspiring with Russia to claim the White House in 2016, according to a former top FBI official on Tuesday.
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Where "pieces" are the published accounts from unverified, anonymous leaks.
If there was any actual "evidence" Schiff or one of Mueller's squad would have leaked it faster than we knew what was in Cohen's storage unit.
That you could even type out those words while, even now, 'the' Russians might be hiding under my bed, is in and of itself treason. I will no doubt be taking this up with my loyalty officer. You'll be hearing about this specious nonsense of yours about 'evidence' when you're lined up against a wall and shot, Comrade!
Since I am an advanced Russian robot, I am immune to your puny walls and bullets and loyalty officers.
And we don't need to hide under your bed with our highly skilled spies, we have a very highly placed "source" in the White House that tells us everything we need to know.
You might want to pick on another country, then, Ivan. Say one with an economy more Russia's size, which is to say smaller than Texas. You know, something more like Latvia size. Because these colors don't run, the Snowden revelations apparently never happened, and somehow the president in our frictionless, perfect democratic system works for a set of unnamed surveillance state Cold War fanatics clearly motivated more by their allegiance to the War Party than such polite fictions as country. Man alive, is my mouth dry. I wonder if anyone on Mueller's crack team of legal eagles is working overtime day and night to moisten that for me. Hmph, maybe by the next general election.