• Teska

    I typically browsed /r/all and a few select subreddits - more so to keep up with current events, have a bit of a laugh, and have something meaningful to discuss with my husband and/or kids at he dinner table. However, it had become increasingly difficult to sift through the sheer amount of crap, reposts, and meaningless inside jokes. And now it's nearly impossible to sift through all the garbage.

    I walked away mostly because there was very much a hive-mind mentality. If you did not agree or have the same opinion, then it was to the stakes with you to be burned for heresy. Pao is giving me that same impression - that she doesn't really care what others have to say unless they toe the same ideals as she does ... and I kind of hate that.

    Also, I much rather a community that isn't toxic to newcomers. I never felt welcome at Reddit. I actually felt very unwanted ... and that's fine.