9 years ago
Charlie Hebdo anniversary: Paris police shoot man dead
According to the prosecutor, it was at 11:30 that the man approached the police station in the Goutte d'Or before being shot. According to police accounts, it was also at 11:30 - exactly a year ago - that the Kouachi brothers began their attack on Charlie Hebdo. The presumption of a link must be very strong, especially after the authorities confirmed that this was for them a terrorist incident.
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Charlie Hebdo, Known for Its Satire, Commemorates Attack Accordingly
**Submitter's Note: view this site in Privacy/Incognito mode.** A special issue of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo went on sale in France on Wednesday amid a week of official commemorations and other events paying tribute to the 17 people who were killed one year ago in attacks last January... -
Vatican newspaper: Charlie Hebdo anniversary cover is blasphemous
French magazine Charlie Hebdo's front covers are known to be provocative. But now they've irritated the Vatican -- or at least its newspaper.
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Good. One less religious nutter to deal with.
Unless this was an attempt at a false flag event gone horribly wrong.