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Published 9 years ago by spaceghoti with 5 Comments
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  • rosellem

    I'm going to offend people, but I think #BlackLIvesMatter is preaching to the choir here. I'm not really sure what they hope to accomplish.

    • spaceghoti

      They want to raise awareness and push it as an election issue. It's definitely a topic where Republicans are at a disadvantage.

      • rosellem

        Its a sad commentary on the state of our nation, but I think making race an issue helps Republicans. I'd rather see them push specific issues, like police reform, criminal justice reform, economic equality, i.e. the issues Sanders is already pushing.

        I feel shitty just typing those words, but I am pragmatist. I want my candidate to win.

        • spaceghoti

          You have a point, but so do they. Pretending that racism is no longer an issue grants de facto legitimacy to racist policies and behavior. We should be prepared to acknowledge the elephant in the room before going on to address the issues underlying the problem.

          • rosellem

            Pretending that racism is no longer an issue grants de facto legitimacy to racist policies and behavior.

            That's completely accurate.

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