• AdelleChattre

    Have you tried reading the article?

    • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

      I've also read how children's movies contribute to this,as in "the guy always gets the gal." You see this in Shrek, Cinderella,etc. Guys are fed this palp from childhood at the movies and expect when they grow up,they will indeed get the girl of their dreams and get laid. Not being able to get the girl leads to anger and frustration and a hate of women cause they won't behave as they behave in the movies. Girls get a different message,of course,but it's just as toxic,but in a different way. This sums it up really well:

      The weaponised loser tries to make sense of his emotions by supplying causal stories and moral judgments about why he doesn’t have the sexual satisfactions, wealth or status that he expects. The people he thinks do have those satisfactions and freedoms must be brought low or punished, and the unattainable women who withhold their pleasures must be humiliated and destroyed.