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Published 9 years ago by socialiguana with 0 Comments

Ballantine's Space Glass

We believe when individuals Stay True to themselves they leave their mark on this planet. As our drinkers have re-invented the world over the past 188 years, we’ve been right there with them. Now we’ve engineered a Space Glass, which works in microgravity, to ensure that the spirit of whisky lives on into the future.

  • In 2015, Ballantine’s embarked on designing a glass to ensure that in the future, we’ll take whisky with us. We’re delighted to launch the Ballantine’s Space Glass, having engineered and tested our prototype in micro gravity at the ZARM Drop Tower, Bremen, Germany.

    The curved shape of the space glass is designed to fit in the palm of your hand with a weighted, rose gold base giving it a heavy feel here on Earth. (The effect is obviously negligible in microgravity.)

    Gold is often used in space technology as it deflects the radiation of the sun, but in this instance it’s highly unreactive properties serves to prevent the glass from affecting the whisky’s taste. The rose gold colour is also reminiscent of the copper used in the whisky distillation process, a nod to our rich history.


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