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Published 7 years ago by socialiguana with 2 Comments

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  • Gozzin (edited 7 years ago)

    Nothing new here. Basically you have a closeted gay man or bisexual who has been raised to believe gays are scum . He hits puberty but has urges...He suppresses said urges and "chooses" to be straight,so he thinks everyone else also has the same desires but cause he resisted, so can everyone else. In reality,everybody dosen't,but there is no way he can know this. That being said,gays remind him of his never filled desires,so he hates,fears and resents them. Especially happy,well adjusted married gays. Those are the worse.

    Eventually though,he caves in and is caught. Anytime I hear of someone hating on gays,I'm suspicious that they secretly want to do the deed cause they are in the same boat . Otherwise,why would they even care!? His flimsy half-assed excuse also does not fly.

    • leweb

      Exactly. The most staunch anti-gays are very often closet gays. This reminds me of Larry Craig.

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