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11 years ago+4 4 05 Landing Page Mistakes That Are Killing Your Chances At Conversions
You’ve probably already figured out that getting visitors to your landing page is only one part of the online marketing equation. Many of us like to believe that if only we could just get people to our site, our products and/or amazing website design ...
Current Event
11 years ago+20 20 0Now Is The Time To Sell Facebook Stock
Facebook has truly changed the way people look at the world and live their lives. While it is a game changer and the social media giant has come a long way, the stock is not an attractive buy and a...
11 years ago+12 12 0Cheap Dorm Room Recipes
Whether it's 3am after a night of binge drinking, or 6am before a long day of classes, we all have a ferocious hunger dragon in our stomachs that needs to be slayed. So you zombie-walk over to your...
11 years ago+5 5 0PLAANT and TheCampusSocialite Combine Forces For A Free V-Neck Shirt Giveaway!
PLAANT (People Looking At A Newer Today) has partnered up with us here at TheCampusSocialite to put together this awesome giveaway! You can join the contest right now by Liking us on Facebook or Fo...
11 years ago+8 8 0A Look at Tony Soprano’s Illustrious Criminal Career
Tony Soprano, the protagonist of the successful HBO series The Sopranos, is a hero to many who loved the show, but a nightmare for the law enforcement officials who spent their careers pursuing him...
11 years ago+15 16 110 Hairstyles That Won’t Get You Laid
There's a lot of things in this world that you can do to not get laid. Having a bad hairstyle is definitely near the top of the list for a lot of people.
11 years ago+13 13 0A Collection of Cringe Worthy Tattoos
The phrase "young and dumb" goes to a whole new levels with these peoples choices of tattoos. There are many tattoos in the world that should have never happened but did anyways.