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Published 9 years ago by sjvn with 3 Comments

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  • idlethreat

    I'm curious how things will turn out between Windows 10, the PCI DSS, and HIPAA.

    Neither standard allow general data to be exfiltrated like that. There's no discussion as to if the data is encrypted "in motion", if it's encrypted "at rest", or anything. Just "hey, we're gonna do this". Will make for some pretty bit headaches in the near future for security personnel who have to go tell CEO's and CFO's of their companies that the employees can't upgrade to the latest bright-and-shiny laptop since MS can walk away with all proprietary company information.

  • Gozzin

    I suspect Apple and Ubuntu will do the same thing by and by.

    • ecstasybread

      Ubuntu seemed to be heading in that direction, but then they shut down their cloud service (Ubuntu One I think it was called) so I don't quite know where that leaves them. I suspect you're right though, they'll come back to it at some point. I'm not a fan personally.

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