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Published 8 years ago by sjvn with 4 Comments

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  • Gozzin

    I use it for the same reasons people have said,plus I got sick of Windows breaking down and me having to reinstall it again.again and again!

  • Maternitus (edited 8 years ago)

    I use it after having the same troubles with Windows like anybody else, somewhat fourteen years ago. Before that I sniffed it and played with it for a bit, but after seeing Fedora I was sold. Away with the crap, in with the new!! Two crashes and a freeze here and there, that's pretty much all the computer trouble I have had since then. Well, one more, actually, but I rather not talk about that too much. It still hurts.

    Anyway, thanks to Linux and Open source I have learned a lot about technology, geeks and nerds, principles, freedom, activism, design, friendship and even keeping my temper when something doesn't work the first time. Aaaah, I forgot about snobism. My version of it, since I mean it just a bit. Because Windows and Mac OS are inferior, not by opnion, but by proven fact. :-P

  • sashinator

    tldr "Because I'm self-righteous and have the time for both self-righteousness and Linux" :P

    Jokes aside - nobody said "because Google makes it part of Android so it's in my phone weather I like it or not"

  • NinjaKlaus

    I carry a Linux Mint live USB stick with me, it has something like 5GB of persistent storage and that way I have a temporary PC wherever I need, as far as I know you can't do that with Windows. Other than that I have Linux Mint on dual boot on my laptop.

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