6 years ago
What are the fastest DNS providers?
Cloudflare is only the latest company to provide free, fast, and secure Domain Name System services. Here's how the major DNS resolvers perform on the internet race track.
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Interesting. When are our operating systems going to move to DNSoverHTTPS or DNSoverTLS?
You can encrypt queries with dnscrypt, but the server and client both have to support it. This has been available for a while now. Doesn't have anything to do with the OS.
Except, most of us access the internet with an OS. If OSs prefered encrypted DNS queries then it gives us a heap more privacy.
No, the OS has nothing to do with it. DNS is handled by a DNS client, which is run as a service. To use a particular feature you simply have to connect to a server that supports it. In the case of DNSCrypt you use a different DNS client and configure what DNSCrypt server you want to connect to within it. Then you point your normal DNS client's DNS IP to your the IP of the DNSCrypt client. https://lifehacker.com/how-to-boost-your-internet-security-with-dnscrypt-510386189