• Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

    I know,and he's right. They need to start agressively selling ads to Systm76, Mint Boxes and other Linux machines on that site.

    Ah,they are never going to fix Windows. I finally figured that out while using XP,so I threw in the towel and left for Linux 12 years ago.

    What I'm waiting to see Windows do is simply go to rolling releases,then they won't have any stragglers. In the meanwhile, I agree with him...When the deadline rolls around,all Windows users will wake up and smell the coffee, I mean W10. Cause at the end of the day,Windows is not your operating system, your just renting it and if they decide to change something,they will. And once everyone is on the same page,they will do what Adobe has done with Photoshop..Move to the cloud (Which is ran by Ubuntu) and sell Windows as a service with a monthly rental.