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Published 9 years ago by sjvn with 4 Comments

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  • caelreth

    If they bring back the build quality of the 'classic' ThinkPads, I would be thrilled.

    • sjvn

      As I understand it, that's part of the plan.

    • i208khonsu

      I bought a ThinkPad about 4 years ago, the x201t, I think it's build quality is stellar. In fact that's the sole reason why I went with Lenovo. I was very displeased with the build quality of my previous MSI laptop and the laptop before that was a Dell Insprion (rebranded IBM ThinkPad). Yeah, a lot of it is built out of plastic as opposed to aluminum, but the entire x201t is lighter than my Dell Insprion; without the battery, without the screen.

      • sjvn

        In my experience, ThinkPads are still great laptops. They have been better, mind you, but compared to the other gear out there today? It's still no contest.

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