• Gozzin

    What can I ask for? When you go in after installing,the mouse and print to be normal size rather than microscopic. I do not understand why all Linux distros do this now,it's so annoying.

    • Maternitus (edited 1 month ago)

      Those are the Linux gods telling you, very subtle, to use Mint.

      • Gozzin

        Mint does it as well. I am using Mint.

        • Maternitus (edited 1 month ago)

          Aaaah, okay. We talked about this before. The thing with design is concessions. The question about that is: how is that consession reached? I do not believe they (programmers and designers alike) are having referendums about their creations and their concession is mostly reached on their own experiences and those close around them. "Everyone I know is having small iconography, so that's my choice." I'm actually not all too sure if they ever have and use feedback about that subject.
          Iconsize and fontsize is mostly based on the screenresolution, which is a good approach, I think. Maybe a solution should or could be a more indepth or comprehensive explanation or tutorial about adjusting design elements within any OS. And I mean: as a standard part of an install manual.