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Published 9 years ago by sjvn with 3 Comments

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  • Neurobomber

    hope you love Ubuntu automatic updates

    The hell he talkin bout? I turned on my PC, Ubuntu gave me a little message in the background with "would you like to install these updates?" I told it to fuck off and that was the end of it.

    The other companies might suck at this (and they won't change because their update policies are there for their own benefit) but Linux/Ubuntu does it fairly well.

  • Gozzin

    I see the little update icon on ElementaryOS and can do it then or wait. That's one thing I appreciate about the way Linux does things. It's polite.

  • SuperCyan (edited 9 years ago)

    I can't stand the automatic updates, because they always happen at the least convenient times.

    I had an issue with this today. I was doing some work, looked at my watch (Samsung Gear Live), and I had am Odin screen open, because it decided it was time to install updates. I wish I could have pushed it off until I got home, because I never wear it there. It would have been so much more convenient that way, because I could have actually used my watch today.

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