shiprekt's feed
9 years agoComment shiprekt
One winter I was driving around an icy bend. Since it was clearly very slick out I was driving a little below the speed limit to maintain control of the car. I looked in the rearview mirror to see a modded out Honda sports car approaching really fast. The Honda ended up passing me and I hoped the driver slow down for their own safety. As soon as I thought that I watched as the Honda caught a patch of ice and spun into a ditch.
Posted in: What's your "instant karma" story?
9 years agoLevel Up shiprekt
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9 years agoAchievement shiprekt
Rock Star
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9 years agoComment shiprekt
Heavy Metal. My dad explained to me that just because a movie is animated that doesn't make it a kids movie. Of course when it was originally released on VHS there was a lot posters and cardboard cutouts of this hot chick riding a pterodactyl. I just knew that one day I had to see it. Fortunately its a great movie.
9 years ago
However I want it to be noted that the WWE Network is baller as hell and also is totally worth the money if you're a wrestling fan.
9 years ago
Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to get acquainted with the new tribes around here!
Posted in: Greetings!
9 years agoComment shiprekt
I have this dream to be alive during the start of affordable space travel. I have always said this and people usually laugh. But I can't wait to take a space cruise around the moon.
9 years agoLevel Up shiprekt
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9 years ago
Agreed, it's a small thing but it has tremendous reach.
9 years agoComment shiprekt
Emergency stuff: A jack and spare tire, jumper cables, first aid kit, 3 gallons of water, and a blanket.
Personal things: Phone charger, gum, and maybe some snacks.
Things I need to get: Flares, reflective triangles, pioneer gear (general assortment of tools that might be required in an emergency situation), window cracker/seat belt cutter. Then I'll feel safer in my car
Posted in: What things do you always keep in your car?
9 years agoText Post shiprekt
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