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10 years agoUnspecified+2 2 0Tumblr Engineering
Who doesn’t love animated GIFs? Believe it or not, support for GIFs at Tumblr was a happy accident! When Tumblr put together the code for handling JPEGs, support and GIFs (and PNGs) happened to also...
10 years agoUnspecified+1 2 1Would you like fries with that?
We are the world's leading online accommodation provider, operating across 205 countries in 42 languages. Our team of designers, developers, database engineers & Sysadmins solve complicated problems at huge scale.
10 years ago+3 3 0Microsoft's Windows 10: More on the 'under the covers' security, Store features
Microsoft's Windows 10 will include more than just user interface tweaks. Here are some of the expected security, manageability and Store changes coming to the next version of Windows client.
10 years ago+2 2 0One secret to the success of Quartz, BuzzFeed and Gawker: They look at news as a service
Most traditional media outlets are used to thinking of journalism or news as something they create and then distribute to a waiting audience — but seeing it as a product or service instead can change the way you think about your job in some fundament ...
10 years ago0 1 1Miért a holland gyerekek a legboldogabbak a világon? - !!444!!!
Csokis kenyér reggelire. Nincs házi feladat. Lehet véleményük. Nem dolgozik 8 órát sok szülő. Felmérték, és a holland gyerekek bizonyultak a legboldogabbnak. Íme 8 ok, hogy miért lehet ez így.
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10 years ago0 1 1Mi lenne ha ... Randall Munroe Magyarországra jönne? - - Science Meetup
10 years ago+1 1 0Elon Musk believes colonizing Mars will save humanity
You'd be excused for thinking Elon Musk is crazy. Even with his unlikely successes in rethinking electric vehicles and commercial spaceflight, the man's steadfast beliefs in the face of incredible...
10 years ago+3 3 0My manifesto for web writing
Om Malik said it best: "The obsessive coverage of Ello is less about Ello. Instead it really is about our growing dissatisfaction with the state of social networks."