schmidt128's feed
9 years agoLevel Up schmidt128
Level 3
schmidt128 is now level 3 with 4,050 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement schmidt128
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Published 2/2 review snaps! Congratulations schmidt128 on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
9 years agoReview schmidt128
Killer Walter Palmer
Killer Walter Palmer. Zimbabwes König der Löwen wurde am 1. Juli 2015 ermordet. Das Internet fordert Lynchjustiz für unseren Promi des Tages Walter Palmer
9 years agoStatus Update schmidt128
9 years agoStatus Update schmidt128
9 years agoReview schmidt128
NSFW Sex and Zen 3D Erotic Movie
Sex and Zen 3D Erotic Movie. What was the first 3D blockbuster movie? "Polar Express" in 2004. But do you also know the name of the first 3D erotic film?
9 years agoUnspecified schmidt128
NSFW Gang Bang Singapore
20 years ago the Record of the Worlds Biggest Gang Bang was in the hands of a woman from Singapore. Now a documentary about Annabel Chong is available on YouTube.
9 years agoComment schmidt128
Unbeatable car! Take good care of her :)
Posted in: My first star
9 years agoUnspecified schmidt128
NSFW Blowjob Photo from Pattaya goes viral
Club re-opens after being shut down in the aftermath of a shocking photo post on social media with a Thai girl performing a blowjob for a Korean sex tourist.
9 years agoLevel Up schmidt128
Level 2
schmidt128 is now level 2 with 1,180 XP.
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- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 55.
9 years agoUnspecified schmidt128
NSFW Credits for Sex: Scam pattern in southeast Asia
Credits for Sex. There are 500 new reports about scam involving women who befriend men via social media, then offer sex for online shopping credits.
9 years agoUnspecified schmidt128
With such kind of mental power the owner can treat any kind of immune deficiency disease
Wim Hof revolutionized our understanding of physiology. He was injected with a bacterial endotoxin that challenged our view of the nervous system. In a normal human body the injection would cause a strong response leading to fever, chills and headaches. Not in Wim Hof ...