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Published 8 years ago by rti9 with 9 Comments

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  • Appaloosa

    This is a legitimate question, a legal one, not a moral one.

    • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

      Sure, but the state of mind someone has to be in in order to ask such a question, and multiple times at that! Even if it's just from a legal standpoint, I would figure the answer is obvious. Here is one, why can't we use chemical warfare to eradicate our enemies? I mean, it's way more effective than boots on the ground, we go in, deploy the gas, and watch everyone choke on their own lung juices like an exterminator in a room full of cockroaches. Simple, effective and undeniably cheaper than completely scorching everything.

      • Appaloosa

        Well I prefer neutron bombs, but that's just me. I am always dubious of these stories, and suspect there is more behind them.

        • drunkenninja

          For maximum amount of pain and suffering, those are definitely the way to go!

  • SMcIntyre

    Joe Scarborough said on the air Wednesday, citing an unnamed source who claimed he had spoken with the GOP presidential nominee.

    Translation: Joe Scarborough made that shit up.

  • RoamingGnome

    We already did. Twice. Nukes are kind of a "weapon of last resort", Don. You fucking blithering idiot.

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

    One can claim most any/everything, "citing an unnamed source". "Journalism" at its finest.


  • rti9

    Even if it is an unnamed source, what is interesting is that after everything Trump has said, it sounds plausible he said it.

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