9 years ago
Nudes Are Old News at Playboy
With the Internet a cornucopia of pornography, Playboy’s raison d’être has vanished. Its website dropped nudity last year, and the age of its viewers dropped closer to the coveted millennial target.
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An interesting move. It seems reasonable if you read the article. I'm curious how this will turn out for them in the long.
It seems really strange to me. I get their point... they've been competing with a market that beats them in pretty much every way... but, trying to shift your market to glamour/sexy photoshoots doesn't seem like a fix to me. Sure there's less competition in that market, but it's vastly smaller.
Either way, safe to say Hell dropped a few degrees as Playboy stopped being a titty magazine lol
With so much competition, like you put it nicely that beat them pretty much in every way, their current readers must not be reading it for the nude pictures anymore. I agree that the shift to glamour/sexy photoshoots is not going to be a fix, but it probably won't lead too much less readers either then. It will probably lower the costs of these shoots but I don't know how much that really matters. So then it's the question, what's part 2 of the strategy, that's going to get them a large number of new readers and especially keeps the brand (and the bunny logo) alive?