9 years ago
When the Internet’s ‘Moderators’ Are Anything But
Let us begin with a toast to the unsung hero of the social-media age: the moderator. Slayer of Internet trolls! Extinguisher of flame wars! Bulwark against race hatred and child pornography! The Internet as we know it could not exist without moderators, constantly pruning back the wild undergrowth of human nature that proliferates there. Nearly every major commercial site with user content is policed by human moderators. Some are unpaid volunteers.
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Am I the only one who feels awkward when something about Reddit comes up in Snapzu?
Like someone is gossiping about the abusive couple down the road but you walk in and you happen to be the offspring of that couple.
Helps that your name is /u/redditexodus
What? No it's n... Oh yeah.
I bet you see Reddit all the time on snapzu
I always get this nagging feeling, but I just can't place it.
I, /u/RedditExodus, can not figure it out.
Professional writers: contradiction in terms.