• Neurobomber (edited 8 years ago)

    What grinds my gears is the goddamn pseudoscience of it all. We live in an era where bullshit shouldn't exist. Throw up Wikipedia on your cell phone and you get a pretty good idea if that kale soy latte at Starbucks is actually good for you (protip: it's not).

    But nooooo somehow most people find the fancy made YouTube video with flashy colors and sounds that throw out a bunch of made up crap that means nothing and totally ignores the fact that it says in a disclaimer on the bottom: "PAID FOR BY THE STARBUCKS CORPORATION. ALL FACTS ARE TOTALLY MADE UP AND EVERYTHING WE SAY IS A LIE TO GET YOU TO BUY OUR SHIT AT HUGELY MARKED UP PRICES."

    ffs just ask your doctor what's healthy. It's NOT hard.

    Note: A naturopath is not a fucking doctor. It's a scam artist in a lab coat.