• pixelboot

    In my office, there's a very big age diversity - a group of about 6 or so people under the age of 30, and the rest is 45+ (15 or so people). The younger group is very "cliquey" and right now they're really in to this "clean eating" thing. They pass around pamphlets and pin them to our bulletin boards about how bad gluten and dairy is for you. At least once a week someone is bringing in gluten-free, sugar-free, zuchini brownies (or something along those lines), and it's literally all that they talk about. Every morning they have a circle jerk over what they made for dinner the night before and "just how much better they feel!" since they stopped eating like a normal person.

    Every day I eat soup for lunch, and they started criticizing that even. It drives me up the fucking wall some days. I can't wait for this stupid fad to pass.