• SMcIntyre

    As usual, he's leaving out a few teeny-tiny little detail like, oh I don't know, the fact that the campaigns paid to use the songs! Campaigns buy public performance licenses, from companies like BMI, in order to play these songs at their events, that's why none of these artists are suing these politicians like they do when someone actually steals their songs. And most of the time, it's not even their song, because they sold the rights to it years earlier, and that's assuming they ever actually owned them in the first place.

    The artists are bitching because it's what they think their fans want to hear, and that's fine, I don't blame the artists for bitching, but if you're going to report the story, report the whole story.

    • blitzen

      At least in Harrison's case, I believe he (well, his estate) still maintains the rights to most of his catalog. Heavy emphasis on this being how I understand it with a cursory glance at the details.