Post Overview
11 years ago+3 3 0An abandoned school is filled with life using images from the past
The Lewis Cass Technical High School in Detroit was abandoned in 2007 after a fire wreaked havoc and made it unusable.
11 years ago+2 2 06 Hilarious Harry Potter Rip Off Books Available In China | LOFFEE
6 Hilarious Harry Potter Rip Off Books Available In China
11 years ago+13 13 0Harry Hudson – An Inspiring Story Of A Battle Against Cancer
This is the very inspiring story of Harry Hudson, who despite his cancer diagnosis stayed upbeat and showed the world what courage means. He took his fight against cancer public via his instagram and twitter accounts.
11 years ago+18 18 0Neil Patrick Harris Holds A Margarita Drinking Contest With Himself While On Vacation In Mexico
He documents it all on instagram
11 years ago+16 16 0You Don’t Have To Be A Kid To Get Excited About This – See The World’s Largest K’Nex Ball Machine (12 Pics + Video) | LOFFEE
This guy just finished constructing a 100,000 piece K’Nex machine for his local children’s museum.
11 years ago+11 12 1Aging Music Legends Who Passed Away – What Would They Look Like If They Were Alive Today? (6 Pics)
What would music legends (who passed away too soon) look like if they were still alive today?
11 years ago+1 1 0Best Dog Gift Ever - Dog Receives 210 Bottles for Christmas
Best Dog Gift Ever: Dog Receives 210 Bottles for Christmas
11 years ago+13 13 0Crane Operator On The World’s 2nd Tallest Building Is Also Award-Winning Photographer (14 Pictures)
He has taken this opportunity to shoot some amazing pictures which have now landed him a top position in a city-wide photography contest.
Current Event
11 years ago+15 16 1Man Live-Tweets His Hilarious Battle With Rude Airline Passenger
Elan Gale (twitter @theyearofelan), producer of The Bachelor, had the misfortune of sharing a flight with a rather rude and obnoxious female passenger in the run up to Thanksgiving. He engages in battle and live tweets the event for the rest of the ...
11 years ago+12 12 0Party Hard - This campus got completely covered in toilet paper
The celebratory aftermath of Auburn's victory over Alabama in the 2013 Iron Bowl. The campus got completely covered in toilet paper.
11 years ago+17 17 0 x 2The world's smallest airport
The world's smallest airport has a size of 150m² and is the newest section of the Miniatur Wunderland. After six years and 150.000 working hours, the Knuffingen Airport has been in operation for a few weeks now.
11 years ago+16 16 0 x 115 Surreal Pictures – Photography and Photoshop
15 surreal works of art by Erik Johansson, using great photography, a creative mind and Photoshop. You might have come across some of these pictures before, floating about the internet without any attribution, I know I have. Delve into strange worlds ...
Current Event
11 years ago+13 13 0From Apple to Amazon: The New Monuments to Digital Domination
Technology giants in the United States are building bombastic new headquarters to immortalize their grandiose ambitions, while inside they plan to turn traditional office culture on its head.
Current Event
11 years ago+10 10 0Putting it off: some ideas about why we procrastinate
Everyone procrastinates. I became somewhat distracted by completely irrelevant websites, for instance, while preparing to write this article.Procrastination, as you may have figured out by now, is the…
11 years ago+5 6 1Making Light Of Stereotypes – The Atlas Of Prejudice (7 Pictures)
The following “maps of prejudice” are snippets from the Atlas of Prejudice by Yanko Tsvetkov aka Alphadesigner. Taking a lighthearted approach, the maps explore stereotypes and prejudices of nations and their perception of the world around them. Warn ...
Current Event
11 years ago+13 13 04.4-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Is First-Known Piece of Martian Crust
A 4.4-billion-year-old meteorite may be the first-known example of ancient Martian crust, and it could hold key plot points in the planet's storied history. Bedouin tribesmen fo...
Current Event
11 years ago+12 12 0Irradiated Turkey, Thermostabilized Yams: Thanksgiving Dinner in Space
How will the six people currently living on the International Space Station, among them two Americans, celebrate Thanksgiving? Check out their food menu.
11 years ago+16 16 0If The World Were A Village Of 100 People (20 Infographics)
Toby Ng, a Hong Kong based designer takes us on a tour of a scaled down world; what if the world were a village of 100 people?