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Published 9 years ago by rigel with 15 Comments

Night-blooming cereus cacti [OC]

These bloomed outside my house last night - luckily I was up early enough to get some pictures before they closed up! Not stunning pictures but I always enjoy AZ cactus flowers :) The third picture is rotated the wrong way for some reason; it works fine on my computer but it's rotating back to landscape on here. Sorry about that.


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  • Gozzin

    I also want to know how they smell and did bats show up to pollinate them?

    • rigel

      Just looked it up and it looks like you're right, it would have been either bats or moths. It would have been interesting to watch that happen!

      But also I know this morning when I was out there, there were definitely some bees and smaller little insects that were able to get into the flowers before they closed up.

  • ekyris

    Hey if you're interested, I've started /t/BotanicalPics and we'd love to have submissions like yours! OC submissions are always enjoyed.

    • rigel

      I am interested but it appears I've run out of tribe slots. If I level up and get some more soon I'll be sure to add BotanicalPics into the list! Thanks for the suggestion!

  • fanficmistress

    Those are awesome photos especially the first one.

    • rigel

      Thanks! I have a bunch of other pics on my phone still, maybe I'll add a few more to the snap tomorrow.

  • melanoleuca

    Would you mind terribly to post this in /t/plants? We welcome content like this!

    • rigel

      Sure, just posted it over there too. Thanks for the suggestion!

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