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Published 9 years ago by Tawsix with 8 Comments
  • Freaky Flowers: Echinopsis Cacti in Bloom


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  • schrodingersman

    People don't usually think of cacti when they think of beautiful flowering plants, but man I could sit here and watch those petals unfurl all day. I've got two cacti sitting in my flower garden. The only two this year I can't wait until they bloom.

  • Csellite

    That is just simply beautiful! Nature is beautiful. I love small little things like this! They truly are amazing!

  • Gozzin

    This is stunning! Now we just need a gif of a bat pollinating them and we are good to go.

  • rigel

    I actually have some of these right outside my house. Living in 110-degree Arizona has its perks :)

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