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Published 8 years ago by rhingo with 5 Comments
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  • RoamingGnome


    My mom just bought a new car. It has the lane departure, brake assist, all of that stuff available as options. My mom said "Nope". Her reason? She said she is afraid that it would make her complacent and people need to pay attention when they are driving. My mom is smart.

  • Maternitus (edited 8 years ago)

    About 5 million car accidents with 33 thousand deaths each year in the US: no newspaper gives a fuck.

    Google's selfdriving car project: 1.5 million kilometers driven, 12 accidents, all caused by humans: here and there applauded, small story.

    Tesla has two accidents in a few weeks time: major news attention, people doubt technology, huge amount of discussions ensue.

    Logic? None.

    • drunkenninja

      Sensationalism at its best. Classic idiocy in journalism.

    • Nutikaspu

      it usually goes like this: If it's in the news you don't need to worry about it.


    Then according to the article "self driving" is a misnomer.

    If it ain't truly "self driving" don't call it such............duh.

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