• KingAztek

    Whenever possible, my family get our medicine from mexico as well as some minor procedures as well. I have uncles the choose to get their dental procedures done in Mexico because it's cheaper, easier to get, and the quality is still the same. I remember being particularly sick once while on vacation visiting my family. All I had to do was go to a local clinic (free of charge), get diagnosed, and pick up my prescription (also free of charge - you would pay a low price for the medicine w/out prescription). Why we can't do this in the United States completely baffles me

    • hitthee

      because the US is a corporate entity of course. Corporations were declared persons so they have rights. They have more money so their right to be unburdened by regulation is worth more than your life to be blunt.

    • JAIRUZ17

      Same with my family. Surgery? Go to Mexico. Tooth ache? Go to Mexico. I have even heard of certain stories of people who go to India for health care and come back spending less than what they would have staying in the United States for health care. It's ridiculous.