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Published 9 years ago by rawlings with 3 Comments

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  • GrimJestor

    'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic' had a 'bash with your lightsaber' option which I thought worked out very well, since a lightsaber could cut through anything in that universe... there was just a percentage chance of ruining whatever was inside through clumsy laser sword cutting.

  • septimine

    First of all, games are not meant to be 100 percent realistic. If that were the case, you couldn't (in the same game) sustain multiple headshots with a bow and arrow, be set on fire magically, or talk to the corpse of an old woman with murder on her mind. The elements of the game are supposed to represent the situation, not simply recreate reality. Picking locks is -- for the most part -- unrealistic. But the purpose is to create tension (can I get this door open before I'm found) not to be realistic thefts. I'd like the option to smash as well, provided that there's a chance that it breaks things or leads to a lot of noise or the like. But the point would be to maintain the tension that the lockpicking provides -- can I (pick/smash/melt) the lock before I'm found or the monster kills me or whatever.

    • drunkenninja

      Very well put! Lock picking is a game mechanic with a purpose to do more than just "pick locks".

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