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Published 11 years ago by rawlings with 5 Comments

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  • mhugan

    I feel bad for this guy.

    • clay

      Same, corporate is definitely going to have to do some major damage control for this.

  • LincRick

    They missed the story. What item was he trying to ad match and why was he not allowed to do that if Wal-Mart advertised it? And why was he banned for life from any Wal-Mart? For trying to ad match or being an (accusedly) intimidating fellow?

  • drunkenninja

    I feel bad for the guy, he looks intimidating but hes just trying to get a deal. Why banish someone for trying to use the system as set out by Walmart.

  • leumas

    Wow he should definitely file a lawsuit. He could make some big money off of this. I wonder if he'll still be banned.

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