• fewt

    The real reason adoption hasn't increased is swept under the rug and not discussed, in my mind it may actually be the number one reason holding back the increased adoption of what people call "Desktop Linux", it's the community itself.

    When users seeking help get responses to requests for help like "send us patches", when contributors get responses like "we won't accept your patch, keep it downstream", or when bug reports get ignored for years because developers hack on the software you need fixed for fun rather than for profit and fixing bugs well that's not fun, the FOSS house of cards falls down.

    People have been writing articles like this one for years, along with ZOMG YEAR OF LINUX DESKTOP!!11, but no-one has really truly addressed the elephant in the room that's holding the platform back.

    I spent years fixing bugs for my user base, and I've submitted many patches upstream with a zero acceptance rate...now I own a Mac.