• LacquerCritic

    I see that you got downvoted (no, not by me) and so I'm wondering if maybe your link was perceived as spammy or low-effort content. Of course, I'm guessing you just wanted to share a useful resource - and Discogs is useful. I found a reasonably rare vinyl record on the site myself.

    Maybe put together a guide to sourcing records if it's a hobby of yours. When creating a snap, you have the option of adding multiple links with your own descriptions, images, discussions, etc. That way it doesn't seem like an ad for just one site - instead it's a tool created by someone who has had experience searching for records. While there's still a chance a high effort snap will be ignored (or even downvoted by some jerk) it'll be a good resource for the respective tribe and it'll be something you can link to in future discussions.

    • pseudopsynic (edited 8 years ago)

      You're right. I was just trying to share a site that's been very useful to me. I didn't even consider that it might look spammy. Thanks for your input!

      Edit: Maybe editing the title will help... I don't want to unpublished it for fear of that looking worse. Thanks again!

      • LacquerCritic

        No worries - I didn't want you to feel down about it or anything because a quick look through your activity shows you're pretty interested in music and vinyl. Check out this snapzine put together by /u/gladsdotter if you want some snap inspiration. I've been referring back to it to try and up my game with content too. :)

        • pseudopsynic

          Thanks a bunch! I'll definitely use that snapzine.