• Sandalwood (edited 9 years ago)

    "... why not just use old logs to hunt down the IP Addresses instead." which logs? do you seriously think a site like that keeps logs? they would have incriminated themselves further if they kept record on how much childporn they served.

    "I'm at a loss for who could possibly think this was a good idea " someone who wants to catch the site's users. there was no possible doubt in this case in terms of illegality of the content or willfullness of the participants. this was not a regular sharing site were just some of the stuff was disgusting - this was a site which sole purpose it was to serve childporn. it's the most pragmatic choice in such a situation - keep it running, and log the usage to the best extent possible, but shut it down soon so damage (in this case production of new content meant for the site) is minimal. do you have any just reason to assume that those 2 weeks caused damage that is not alliviated through logging many of the site 215,000 registered users?

    Edit: typos fixed & holy fuck 215,000 users ... i didn't even process this number when i typed it! holy fuck that's a lot! .... i mean of course! when you have a site with so many registered (!!!!!) users you want to catch them all!