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10 years ago+19 19 0"Barghazi" - ExamSoft's Epic Fail
Fallout from ExamSoft's failure at this year's bar exam includes possible lawsuits, and a buttload of funny tweets.
11 years ago+13 13 0Hastening the Work of Salvation | Members and Missionaries
Hastening the Work of Salvation
11 years ago+11 11 0Mormon Newsroom - Major New Study of Religion Has Much to Say About Mormons
Mormons rank high in religiosity, positive outlook towards other religions, and believe strongly in salvation for all mankind.
11 years ago+9 9 0Must... Build... Strawberry "tree."
Instructions to build a tiered strawberry planter box. Get those berries out of the dirt.
Current Event
11 years ago+9 9 0Sculptor responsible for Angel Moroni featured on most LDS temples dies at 84
Karl Quilter, a Salt Lake City-based sculptor whose work tops more than 100 of the LDS Church temples, passed away Wednesday at the age of 84.
11 years ago+7 7 0LDSReddit Blog: Testimony and Gratitude
lds reddit user, geekgreg, shares a story from his mission about how gratitude to God changed his life.