odingaming's feed
7 years agoComment odingaming
Science articles are gaining increasingly clickbaity titles.
"Representing" a fourth spatial dimension isn't new concept in science or maths. Lots of problems are better represented in alternate coordinate systems, types of space, or different "dimensions", where a "dimension" has a technical definition outside of one's physical experience of spatial and temporal "dimensions".
It was hard to tell from the article if the studies concerned had something more interesting than that to say or if it really did just boil down to another mathematical technique for solving this particular problem.
7 years agoComment odingaming
A lot of what I write is referential i.e. I anticipate someone starting to read the article and either thinking "I'll refer to this as required" or "That's the bit of information I needed - and I'm done". Because of this, my posts can be quite long (sort of like a Wiki article); some of my longer ones are in the region of 7000 words.
That said, I publish news tidbits every now and then which are significantly shorter, in the region of the 500-800 mark that @FF88 mentioned. That's about as short as they get.
I wouldn't necessarily say I "aim" for a particular length. Eventually the article feels finished - and that's how long that post should be.
Posted in: How Long Should a Blog Post Be?
7 years ago
It's definitely an effort. I was much the same. At some point I just got cracking and started getting feedback, making incremental changes rather than having everything perfect at once. After a year, the whole blog undoubtedly looks better and more professional than when I began. The technical skills ("monitoring and promoting a website") come in time and piece-wise.
If you've got content, just get cracking. That's the main thing.
7 years agoDownload odingaming
Top 10 Stellaris Mods of 2017
Narrowing down ~10,000 mods for a Top 10 Stellaris Mods list wasn't easy, but here are Odin Gaming's favorites for the whole year of 2017. Includes more traditions, more ascension perks, more ship classes, AI improvements, visual improvements, and total overhauls.
7 years agoHow-to odingaming
KSP Visual Mods - Step-by-Step Installation Guide - v1.3.1
Detailed installation guide for KSP visual mods for v1.3.1. 14 mods featured, including Scatterer, EVE, Distant Object Enhancement, PlanetShine, and more.
7 years agoLevel Up odingaming
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7 years agoAchievement odingaming
Rock Star
Followed by 10/10 members! Congratulations odingaming on this achievement!
+2665 XP -
7 years agoComment odingaming
I saw an interesting post by an astronomer on Reddit that spawned a cool discussion about lots of things that make this seem like a spaceship. Amongst them were 1) the lack of dust and 2) the fact that it's weirdly long. The latter point would be explainable because at any significant fraction of the speed of light, even tiny particles in space can inflict massive damage. Making a space ship long and putting the habitation at the rear gives you maximum protection.
Still, it's cold, tumbling, and not travelling at a significant portion of the speed of light. Still and interesting object, though :)
7 years agoExpression odingaming
EUIV - Legacy of Bharat - Part 4: Colonization - Odin Gaming
The fourth part of this EUIV Let's Play sees Bharat cast her eyes to the horizon, her goal: colonization of the South Pacific. Covers the years 1500-1552. This is a converted CKII save and part of a larger Paradox megacampaign that started in the year 769.
7 years agoAchievement odingaming
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations odingaming on this achievement!
+1330 XP -
7 years agoLevel Up odingaming
Level 5
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7 years ago
Many thanks :)
Posted in: /t/strategy - Strategy and Simulation Gaming
7 years agoText Post odingaming
/t/strategy - Strategy and Simulation Gaming
4 comments in posted into
7 years agoInteractive odingaming
Fantasy name generators - Names for fantasy settings and more
Useful name generators for all sorts of naming schemes. Useful outside of fantasy, too e.g. planet naming conventions in Stellaris, city naming in Civilization, army naming in EU4!
7 years agoDownload odingaming
EU4 Trade Visualizer
Provides a useful snapshot of trade node value and value flow on a world map. Loads from an EU4 save file.
7 years agoComment odingaming
This whole article seems like it gears itself up for a humble-brag. I was really into it until he revealed that he had, in fact, gone viral, without a word about why his experience didn't actually matter.
7 years agoAchievement odingaming
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations odingaming on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
7 years agoComment odingaming
I don't live too far from here. What an awful, awful day that was.
7 years ago
Thanks for looking! That means a lot! I've gone to some effort to make it look slick, so I'm glad the work has payed off!
The biggest hurdle was - and probably still is, to an extent - page loading speed. The blog's pretty media heavy, I use a number of plugins (meaning extra JavaScript a lot of the time), and I have a penchant for long-form posts, so it can be a challenge to keep it snappy. I think it's in a good place right now, but there's always room for improvement!
I'm glad you noticed the privacy policy! I work as a software engineer in cyber security by day, so privacy and digital security get discussed a lot. I know how important it is to me - though I've become a lot more relaxed about it in launching Odin Gaming - so I wanted to extend that same courtesy to my readers :)
show more -
7 years ago
Many thanks for the explanation! I think I need to do a deep-dive on cryptocurrencies soon...
Posted in: Steam is no longer supporting Bitcoin
7 years agoLevel Up odingaming
Level 4
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7 years agoAchievement odingaming
Line Burner
Published 2/2 download snaps! Congratulations odingaming on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
7 years agoDownload odingaming
Enhanced Steam
Browser extension that provides more information and options in the Steam web store.
7 years agoAchievement odingaming
Eagle Eye
Following 20/20 members! Congratulations odingaming on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
7 years agoComment odingaming
Damn, that spacecraft is awesome. I can't buy a phone that'll work for two years, but this bad-boy's gone for four decades, billions of miles later, bombarded by radiation... and solid as a rock.