Post Overview
Current Event
10 years ago+1 1 0Harley-Davidson unveils its first electric hog
Harley claims that its LiveWire bike sounds like a fighter jet. The first electric Harley!
Current Event
10 years ago+1 1 0Police firing GPS tracking 'bullets' at cars during chases - CNET
In Iowa and Florida, they have a new method of chasing suspects. The police car's grill opens up and out is projected a better method of keeping up with the vehicle they're chasing.
10 years ago+1 1 0How much each incarnation of the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver [OC] (x-post /r/DoctorWho)
How much each incarnation of the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver.
10 years ago+2 2 0Vancouver Island Road Trip Took the DR650 up to Vancouver and Vancouver Island for over a week of riding and hanging out in the cities. Here's the riding...
10 years ago+21 21 0Harley-Davidson Project LiveWire: An electric Harley!
Freedom and ingenuity has always shaped our nation, and our place in it. It's what inspired our founders. It compelled us to answer the call to serve. It united people around shared passions. And, inspired generations to express themselves. We ...
10 years ago+1 2 1Geocaching 5/31/14 - Imgur
Pictures from my recent geocaching trip!
10 years ago+2 2 0WR450 supermoto conversion
I converted my WR450 to a street legal supermoto!