• rosellem

    Wow, this is forcing me to confront a lot of my own personal biases. I unequivocally support the use of vaccines and believe that Carrey's fears are overblown here.

    But he's not wrong in what he's saying. If you replace "pharmaceutical companies" with "wall street" and "doctors" with "bankers" and it's everything I advocate. Given how our system is set up, I can't really blame for not trusting it.

    • AdelleChattre

      Sign of an open mind. Living in California in an area with a good community radio station, I hear maybe more than I’d like about the issue. It’s like a masters’ course in critical thinking listening to these arguments for long stretches. Like you, it reminds me a great deal of loosely similar arguments on parallel issues. One telltale sign it’s going to get weird is when the invited guests start by establishing right out front they’re not opposed to vaccination per se. Invariably that segueways into fairly vapid anti-vaccination nonsense, statistical distortions, anecdata, and downright medieval denunciations of clinical witchcraft.

      Here's an antidote that often comes to mind when those shows get to be too much to take.