Post Overview
9 years ago+11 11 0New LGBT Romance Books from LoveLight Press
LoveLight Press is a small publisher of LGBT romance books. They just sent out a newsletter with links to their newest books! Most are on sale for the weekend of Jan 9th.
9 years ago+1 1 0Make Him Purr: A Paranormal Romance by Anya Nowlan
Make Him Purr by Anya Nowlan - new paranormal romance release!
9 years ago+1 2 1Turkish Red Lentil Soup Recipe -
Another delectable entry for the Zaar World Tour from the enticing World Vegetarian Cookbook by Madhur Jaffrey. This is simple enough to prepare midweek and comforting as the first cold air of fall arrives.
9 years ago+5 5 0Almost Turkish Recipes: Turkish Green Beans (Zeytinyağlı Taze Fasulye)
A great summer recipe - tastes good hot or cold!
Current Event
9 years ago+4 4 0Texas alligator attack: Man killed in Orange County -
A man who apparently mocked alligators, then jumped in the water -- despite warning signs -- is dead after being attacked in Texas.
9 years ago+1 2 1Rogue Bear (A Paranormal BBW Shape Shifter Romance) - Kindle edition by Terra Wolf, Amelia Jade. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @
Rogue Bear (A Paranormal BBW Shape Shifter Romance) - Kindle edition by Terra Wolf, Amelia Jade. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @
9 years ago+2 2 0Rainbow Head Punk Cross Stitch Pattern
Rainbow Head Punk Cross Stitch Pattern
9 years ago+6 6 0Cat puke cross stitch
For the cat lady in your life.
9 years ago-1 1 2Devoted: BWWM Romance - Kindle edition by Sadie Black. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @
Devoted: BWWM Romance - Kindle edition by Sadie Black. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Devoted: BWWM Romance.
9 years ago0 1 1Five Ways To Hide Your BDSM Toys • Dirty Discourse
Five inexpensive ways to hide your BDSM sex toys from prying eyes without your own secret dungeon room.
9 years ago+1 2 1Shifters - What's Next? • Dirty Discourse
Possible upcoming trends in paranormal romance
Current Event
10 years ago+20 20 0The woman who rescues sloths
Monique Pool first fell in love with sloths when she took in an orphan from a rescue centre. Since then many sloths have spent time in her home on their way back to the forest - but even she found it hard to cope when she had to rescue 200 at once.
10 years ago+18 18 0Gangsta cross stitch!
It feels good to be a gangsta
10 years ago+5 6 1A cross-stitched jumper?
It will go well with the cross stitch shoes
Current Event
10 years ago+16 16 0 x 1Owner 'forgot' luxury boat for years
Man forgets a 100k boat for years, thinking he had sold it. He hadn't.
11 years ago+10 10 0Cross Stitch Shoes
Can't decide how I feel about these...
11 years ago+14 14 0Cross Stitch Trolls: 30 Awesomest Cross Stitches to Make You LOL
Once upon a time, cross stitching was a refined art reserved for fleur-de-lis and hearts. Nowadays, the art form is reserved for rap lyrics, 'Breaking Bad' references, etc.
Current Event
11 years ago+21 21 0Why Airplane Black Boxes Fail
Why do we still rely on 1960s technology to rescue missing planes? In order to find and save flights like the MH370, we must send data out in real-time.
11 years ago+15 15 0'Rocket cat' weaponry found in 16th-century manual
PHILADELPHIA -- You're a 16th-century German prince plotting to crush a peasant rebellion, or perhaps you're leading an army against the Ottoman Empire or looking to settle the score with a rival nobleman. What's a guy looking for a ta ...
11 years ago+5 6 1Billy Mays cross stitch
This awesome cross stitch cracks me up