Post Overview
11 years ago+1 2 1Voluntaryism
Brief overview
11 years ago+1 2 1The Law, by Frederic Bastiat
Frédéric Bastiat
11 years ago0 1 1All MEANS All - Amendment One and Bad "Righteous" Anger
I'm still trying to sort out what happened in North Carolina yesterday. My head is spinning like a ballerina doing a fouette. Hey look! I just lost 61% percent of my North Carolina readers. That...
11 years ago0 2 2Clobbering "Biblical" Gay Bashing
by Mark Sandlin T his is a bit long for a blog post, but some may find it to be a helpful resource. I wrote the piece for another project and it just wasn't a good fit. Honestly, if you are well read...
11 years ago+1 1 0The Christian wife-spanking movement [TW]
I really don't know what to say. Victims of domestic violence probably shouldn't read this post. Last night I discovered that there is a movement within neo-patriarchal Christian culture called Chr...
11 years ago+3 3 0How I read the Bible differently than John MacArthur
A friend pointed me to Tim Challies' recent interview with John MacArthur in which MacArthur doubled down on the claims made in his Strange Fire conference condemning the charismatic movement in Ch...
11 years ago+2 2 0Budgeting as an act of social justice
It's stewardship season in many churches around the country. As my friend Jason Micheli wrote, talking about how much money people give in church is probably even more taboo than endorsing politica...