Post Overview
8 years ago+5 5 0Forked Debian Beta Is Rough Around the Edges
The Devuan GNU/Linux community's much-awaited Devuan Linux Jessie 1.0 beta release is available. It took two years for disgruntled Debian community members to make good on their promise of a systemd-free Debian distro. They rejected a Linux-wide ...
8 years ago+2 2 0Announcing Certbot: EFF's Client for Let's Encrypt
EFF is proud to introduce Certbot, a powerful tool to help websites encrypt their traffic. Certbot is the next iteration of the Let's Encrypt Client; it obtains TLS/SSL certificates and can automatically configure HTTPS encryption on your server ...
8 years ago+24 24 0FTC, FCC launch inquiry into how companies distribute security fixes to mobile devices
The Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission announced today that they are teaming up for an inquiry into how security updates to smartphones and other mobile devices are released in the United States.
8 years ago+3 3 0Linux Foundation launches badge program to boost open source security
The initiative is designed to improve the security of open-source projects and push tech firms to adopt best practices.
8 years ago+27 27 0360 View | SpaceX First Stage Landing on Droneship
Current Event
8 years ago+19 19 0Devuan, a fork of Debian without systemd, has released its first beta
Devuan GNU+Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd. Its Beta release marks an important milestone towards the sustainability and the continuation of Devuan as a universal base distribution. Devuan Jessie provides continuity as a safe upgrade path f ...
8 years ago+4 4 0WebExtensions in Firefox 48
We last updated you on our progress with WebExtensions when Firefox 47 landed in Developer Edition (Aurora), and today we have an update for Firefox 48, which landed in Developer Edition this week. With the release of Firefox 48, we feel WebExtensio ...
Current Event
8 years ago+2 2 0X.Org votes to join Software in the Public Interest (SPI)
X.Org's members have voted to join SPI which is a non-profit organization founded to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software. SPI also acts as a fiscal sponsor for associated projects.
8 years ago+12 12 0Build a Raspberry Pi-Powered Linux Laptop That Fits in Your Pocket
This simple Raspberry Pi-Powered Linux laptop uses off-the-shelf parts, can be hooked up to a TV or monitor, and it fits in your pocket.
8 years ago+18 18 0 x 1LibreELEC – 'Just enough OS' for Kodi
LibreELEC is ‘Just enough OS’ for Kodi, a Linux distribution built to run Kodi on current and popular mediacentre hardware. We are an evolution of the popular OpenELEC project. LibreELEC software will be familiar to OpenELEC users, but the project fo ...
Text Post
8 years ago+4 4 0/t/linux
/u/drunkenninja: I'd like to take over /t/linux if possible.
EDIT: Thanks! :)
Current Event
8 years ago+24 24 0Intel declares focus shift from PC company to cloud-based computing devices.
Brian Krzanich: Our Strategy and The Future of Intel. Last week I shared how Intel is making broad changes to accelerate our transformation by aligning every segment of our business – our people, our places and our projects – to our strategy. Our str ...
Current Event
8 years ago+2 2 0Debian: Security support for Wheezy handed over to the LTS team
As of 25 April, one year after the release of Debian 8, alias "Jessie", and nearly three years after the release of Debian 7, alias "Wheezy", regular security support for Wheezy comes to an end. The Debian Long Term Support (LTS) ...
Current Event
8 years ago+2 2 0Firefox 46.0 Released
Firefox 46.0 has been released and includes GTK3 integration (GNU/Linux only) and Improved security of the JavaScript Just In Time (JIT) Compiler.
8 years ago+16 16 0Firefox and Thunderbird: A Fork in the Road
Firefox and Thunderbird have reached a fork in the road: it’s now the right time for them to part ways on both a technical and organizational level. In line with the process we started in 2012, today we’re taking another step towards the independence ...
Current Event
8 years ago+3 3 0Cinnamon 3.0 released
On behalf of the team and all the developers who contributed to this build, I am proud to announce the release of Cinnamon 3.0! Here’s a quick overview of some of the changes in this new version:
8 years ago+18 18 0Bash on Windows: What Does It Mean?
As the enterprise landscape is changing -- in favor of Linux and open source -- companies like Microsoft are embracing Linux. Most recently, Microsoft announced support for the Unix Bash shell on Windows, providing developers and administrators with ...
Current Event
8 years ago+3 3 0Let's Encrypt Reaches 2,000,000 Certificates
The Let's Encrypt certificate authority issued its two millionth certificate on Thursday, less than two months after the millionth certificate. As we noted when the millionth certificate was issued, each certificate can cover several web sites, ...
8 years ago+1 1 0Nouveau With Boost Patches Are Now Competitive To Radeon/AMDGPU With RadeonSI
Last week I published benchmarks showing Nouveau's "boost" patches offering much performance potential compared to the current state of the open-source NVIDIA Linux graphics driver but generally still not enough performance to compete ...
Current Event
8 years ago+3 3 0Kubuntu 16.04 LTS Release Anouncement
The Kubuntu team is excited and delighted to announce the release of Kubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus.