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Unfortunately, this is human nature. How else do you explain religion? But maybe our tendency to believe comforting lies is what helps keep us mentally sane and therefore ensure our survival as a species? I think many people's minds would buckle under the strain of all the cold hard truths in the world. Some would fall at the first hurdle of realising there is probably no God or heaven. Others will fall at the 2nd hurdle once they realise that the people in power do not have the common man's interests at heart and that often bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. Then comes an interesting truth, which some will find liberating, while others will feel makes life seem pointless: the fact that free will is scientifically improbable. Those who survive that one will be left with the stark realisation than none of this is actually going anywhere, that eventually human life and Planet Earth will die and there can be no lasting legacy. Anyone still left after all that will realise that the best plan is to just try to make the best of things while you're here.
Holy fuck that was well put. 10/10 would read again..
I like the way you think...
Thank you.
This is why theaters exhibit movies and not documentaries.