7 years ago
Puerto Rico Says It's Scrapping $300M Whitefish Contract
Puerto Rico plans to cancel a $300 million contract to rebuild the hurricane-ravaged electrical grid that went to a tiny company based in Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s Montana hometown, the head of the island’s power utility said. Ricardo Ramos, executive director of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, or Prepa, said he will request permission from the utility’s board of directors to end the deal with Whitefish Energy Holdings LLC. The contract stipulates that 30 days of notice is required. Existing work, including on key transmission lines, will continue for now.
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I kind of wish with this dumping of corruption they would turn to Elon Musk or someone else and say while we are fixing our grid how about we also put in a ton of green energy. I feel like this is the perfect time for a Government to do this, complete shambles, why not upgrade while fixing the old.
Now find some decent contractors.
Do it right from the start and bury the pole-to-pole electric grid under ground. It's been standard practice on the mainland for at least ten years. And more hurricanes will come so better safe than sorry.
Hard to argue with "Do it right the first time." However, buried electric lines are in no way standard practice even in California, let alone the rest of mainland USA. As for undergrounding transmission lines in Puerto Rico, they can't even bury the dead right now.
Where is Elon when you need him...