7 years ago
Every single poll in France says Marine Le Pen is finished
Emmanuel Macron is at least 20 points ahead of Marine Le Pen in every poll on the French presidential election taken since the first round of voting. Mr Macron, a former minister who set up his own party to run for president, came top on Sunday, with 23.8 per cent of the ballots cast. Ms Le Pen, the former Front National (FN) leader, joined the 38-year-old in the presidential run-off after coming second with 21.5 per cent of the vote.
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You know, I really don't want her to win, but nobody expected Brexit to win, and nobody expected Trump to win.
Having said that, the British and the American voting public set the bar kind of low in terms of collective intelligence, so there's always a chance that these are just results of Anglic stupidity, but my faith in the rest of humanity is not much higher either. We'll see.