6 years ago
A new AI "journalist" is rewriting the news to remove bias
Want your news delivered with the icy indifference of a literal robot? You might want to bookmark the newly launched site Knowhere News. Knowhere is a startup that combines machine learning technologies and human journalists to deliver the facts on popular news stories. Here’s how it works. First, the site’s artificial intelligence (AI) chooses a story based on what’s popular on the internet right now. Once it picks a topic, it looks at more than a thousand news sources to gather details. Left-leaning sites, right-leaning sites – the AI looks at them all.
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This sounds interesting. I too am bothered by journalistic bias, and to get around that, I read the same topic from a variety of sources. Particularly for US topics, I find that overseas coverage is more unbiased, which is pretty sad (i.e. can't trust the domestic media). I will have to give Knowhere News a try.
I do the same thing and have for years.
We are human, and we do have much to contend with some good, some bad.
I am so happy to see you here Gozzin!
This is the problem I see, most people are so entrenched in their bias they may not realize it is one and won't think to check for it. Which means that the left, right divide will never die.