• ChristianBale

    I kinda doubt it. There'd been a strange subcommunity of people who hated Pao well before there was any large-scale drama associated with her. You saw comments floating around ranting about her husband and her discrimination court cases months prior to fatpeoplehate's banning or any of that. Just weird stuff that I don't think you'd see with a male CEO (I guess we won't know because /u/spez is an insider and is going to be liked for that regardless).

    Not that I think that all Redditors who were getting up in a huff were misogynists or anything. I think the admin actions of the last month or so gave enough fuel to the user's paranoia that these weird sexists who had been bouncing around the site were given an opportunity to convince everyone else that they're right.

    At least people are sort of starting to see that they might have been a bit premature in turning Pao into their personal punching bag.

    • Teska (edited 8 years ago)

      I wholeheartedly believe that the people to start the hard-core witch-hunt for Pao were misogynists. Then mob mentality took over and off it flew with swastika laden pictures and death threats and such. Granted, there were likely a few who thought "oh, easy karma" and tossed some pics up for the upvotes, but all it takes is a few carefully laid suggestions. I would not put it past theredpill to have laid the groundwork.

    • BlankWindow

      A small group made it popular to hate on Pao then a slightly larger group ran with it to get some of what they perceived as benefit. Reddit is the biggest High School drama machine in existence. I just wonder who is going to be next on that websites brow beat to death train of wrecking lives.