• imokruok

    Obtaining pot illegally is fun and part of its recreational appeal. Ending prohibition opens wide a community long insulated from "squares" to buzzkill capitalist ideology and lame ass bipartisan legislation. Bummer.

    • KingAztek

      Keeping it illegal directly funds terrorist drug cartels which inflict senseless violence in every inch of land they operate in. I'm sorry, but I'm honestly offended at your comment. Given that 4 in 10 Americans have admitted to smoking pot, it'd hardly call that insulated.

      • imokruok

        scary to think 4 in 10 americans directly finance terrorist drug cartels.

    • FistfulOfStars (edited 9 years ago)

      So in your mind, the adrenaline rush and narcissistic feeling of being 'cool' is well worth families being ripped apart by prison sentences and cartel violence?

      I really hope you're just trolling.

      • imokruok

        poe's law. my bad. not trolling, just joking. thought bummer might give it away.