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Published 8 years ago by lostwonder with 6 Comments

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  • CrookedTale

    So long Samsung phone :( I love my phone but of you are going to horse wip me a new OS then I will go with something else.

    • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

      I don't blame you. After using Linux distros for 12 years, I'm as big of a control freak as any big corporation out there. I know the kinds of nonsense they engage in and I'll have no part in it. Once it's in my house,it's mine and I'll do whatever I honking please with it.

  • Gozzin

    There’s no doubt that Samsung wants Apple-like total control over its ecosystem,

    Which would bring me to a full stop over buying their stuff unless I could slap Ubuntu on it.

  • kxh (edited 8 years ago)

    If they update the OS as often as they do their Android phones, which it seems is rarely, I wouldn't want to use it.

  • sjvn

    Yeah, they've been saying that for a while now, funny how Tizen never really gets traction though.

    • Gozzin

      Yup..They think we will have no other choices but do as they want..Let's check back in a bit and see how this works out.

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